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Sustaining Memberships
Support Kansas City PBS with an automatic monthly donation from your credit card, debit card or bank account.
Family Memberships
It’s as easy as 1-2-3 to support Kansas City PBS and enjoy family events throughout the year.
Producers Society
Join a group of passionate supporters who believe a great city deserves a great public television station.
BritGram Club
Support British programming on Kansas City PBS by becoming a member of the BritGram Club!
Business Support
Connect with more than 750,000 viewers each week. Business Supporters stand out in our high-quality, low-clutter TV environment.
Donate a Vehicle
Thinking about selling your car, boat, motorcycle, truck or other vehicle? Donate it to Kansas City PBS instead!
Planned Giving
You can make a lasting gift to future generations by leaving a charitable bequest in your will. Learn more about Kansas City PBS' Legacy Society.
Kansas City PBS is always seeking volunteers who are committed and passionate about our mission, programming and initiatives.