Kansas City PBS and Early Childhood
Study after study points to the impact our kids content has on early learning and school readiness. In fact, PBS Kids programming is the only children’s content specifically recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics. From high-quality educational content to reading camps and peer mentoring programs to professional development for caregivers and providers, our early childhood services aim to ensure we are improving literacy, math, and social emotional skills that prepare our youngest viewers for school.

Professional Development for Early Childhood Providers
“PD with Kansas City PBS” is a professional development series specially designed with PreK-1 teachers in mind. With an emphasis on engaging, accessible, and free tools for early childhood classrooms, this series highlights key themes found in PBS Kids programming including literacy, STEM, the arts and social and emotional learning. Workshops include the importance of meaningful screen time and how to incorporate media into your Pre-K classroom.
Kansas City PBS - KCPT, Kansas City
Children love to move—anywhere, anytime! Physical activity is great for growing bodies and minds. Being active together helps channel kids’ natural energy and keeps them healthy and strong. In this workshop, participants will explore and use tools and resources offered through Sesame Street in Communities to ensure that families have the support, information and care they need to help children stay well by engaging in activities that promote movement and physical well-being.
Trainer: Stacy Hamilton, The Family Conservancy
Support provided by the Francis Family Foundation

Kansas City PBS Kids Community Stories
Connecting the themes from PBS Kids programming to real life experiences in our community, KCPT seeks out local stories just for kids and families. We work with regional partners, and even kids themselves, to encourage young viewers to get out and explore our region. Along the way kids are learning about literacy, health, arts and culture, social emotional skills and STEM and caregivers are more aware of the incredible opportunities for children in our community. Stories are featured on the KCPT PBS Kids 24/7 Channel and live stream.
Sesame Street in Communities
Sesame Street in Communities (SSIC) is aninitiative designed to offer strategies, tips, activities, and professional development for providers to nurture parent/child interactions that in turn help children become school ready, increase their physical and emotional well-being, and develop resiliency to tackle life’s tough challenges and difficult topics.
The resources—including printable activities, informational articles, videos, and workshop plans—engage both kids and adults in everyday moments and daily routines—from teaching early math and literacy concepts, to encouraging families to eat nutritious foods, to serious topics such as divorce and food insecurity.
Kansas City PBS will collaborate with community partners to develop workshops, outreach activities and professional development for community service providers and families to implement the new, innovative and community-based SSIC model. Explore the Sesame Street in Communities website and join us at upcoming local events.
Resources - Sesame Workshop
Your care and support can make a huge impact in the life of a young child. Sesame Street is here to provide you with resources to help bring joyful moments.
Past Programs
Martha Speaks Reading Buddies
Martha Speaks Reading Buddies is an innovative, cross-age reading program, based on the popular PBS KIDS show, Martha Speaks. The program is designed to help kindergarten and upper-elementary students increase their vocabulary, develop self-esteem and social skills, and enhance their love of books and reading.
Super Why Reading Camps
The SUPER WHY Reading Camps build on the signature early literacy approach of the popular television series and extends a unique interactive reading approach into the community. Kansas City PBS leads kid “campers” through a week of reading-based crafts, games, and songs that target early literacy skills each day including letter identification, rhyming with word families, letter sounds and spelling and vocabulary and comprehension.